Research data management must comply with all relevant ethical and legal standards, particularly when dealing with sensitive or personal data. ICArEHB researchers are responsible for ensuring that their data management and sharing practices adhere to the following principles.

Informed Consent

If the data involve human participants, researchers must ensure that informed consent is obtained for data collection, storage, and sharing. Consent forms should specify how data will be used and shared, including potential reuses.

Data Anonymization

When sharing personal or sensitive data, researchers must anonymize the data to protect the privacy of participants. Anonymization should be irreversible and compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Intellectual Property Rights

Researchers must respect intellectual property rights and ensure that data are shared in a way that does not violate any copyrights, patents, or proprietary agreements.

Data Licensing

Data should be shared with a clear license, such as Creative Commons, that specifies how they can be used and reused by others. Researchers should choose licenses that align with Open Science principles (e.g., CC-BY, CC0).

Funder and Institutional Requirements

ICArEHB researchers must comply with any specific data management and sharing requirements set by their funding agencies, institutions, or collaborators. Researchers should check these requirements early in the project to ensure compliance.