Types of Open Access
There are two main types of Open Access, each offering different routes to making research publicly available:
Gold Open Access:
- In the Gold Open Access model, the final published version of the article is made freely available by the publisher immediately upon publication. Gold OA typically requires the payment of an Article Processing Charge (APC) by the author or their institution.
- Researchers publishing in Gold Open Access journals should ensure that the journal follows reputable peer-review processes and adheres to ethical standards.
- ICArEHB encourages Gold Open Access where possible, especially in cases where funders provide support for APCs. Check the Article Processing Charge (APC) of this handbook for more details.
Green Open Access:
- Green Open Access refers to the practice of depositing a version of the manuscript (e.g., the accepted version or preprint) in an open-access repository, typically after an embargo period set by the publisher.
- This approach allows researchers to comply with Open Access mandates even when publishing in subscription-based journals.
- ICArEHB recommends using trusted repositories, such as OSF for Green Open Access.